Parent Voice

At Buglawton Primary School we value the voice of the parent and feel that by working together, we can achieve the best for our children. There are a number of ways in which we capture Parent Voice.

Parent Council

This is where class representatives meet each half term and determine the agenda items in advance of the meeting. The Headteacher discusses those issues raised and a way forward is agreed. Minutes are circulated via email and shared on this page.

Parent Forum

This is an open meeting where a date and time, along with an agenda, is shared and parents are welcome to come along and discuss.

Open door policy

Senior leaders are outside on the gates every morning so that parents can raise any concerns. Parents are also welcome to make an appointment to speak to the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or SENDCo.


An annual survey is carried out to capture parent voice and help inform future decisions in the school.

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