Religious Education
Religious Education
The RE curriculum aims to provide children with the knowledge and understanding of several principle religions, namely Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
The Religious Education Curriculum follows the following thinking:
The school follows the Cheshire Agreed Religious Education Syllabus which focuses on World Views:
‘In RE, a religious and non-religious worldviews approach involves helping pupils to develop their personal worldview in conversation with the content and methods of study in the subject. As they move through their education, it helps them to make judgements about the content studied, the methods used, and their own perspectives, in the light of evidence and argument.'
The school offers children the opportunity for personal reflection and spiritual development. It considers the influence of religion on individuals, families, communities, and cultures.
As part of our curriculum, we welcome guest visitors into the school to lead religious-themed assemblies to share different cultures and beliefs.
- Reception - Year 6 have Christian Workshops
- Years 2 & 3 have Judaism Workshops
- Years 4 & 5 have Islam Workshops
- Years 5 & 6 have Hindu Workshops
Since 1944, all maintained schools have been required by law to teach Religious Education to all registered pupils. Religious Education is a component of the basic curriculum, to be taught alongside the National Curriculum.
Religious Education contributes dynamically to children and young people’s education in schools by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of life and death and issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. In Religious Education they learn about and from religions and worldviews in local, national, and global contexts, to discover, explore and consider different answers to these important questions. They learn to weigh up the value of wisdom from different sources, to develop and express their own insights in response, and to agree or disagree respectfully. It is not the intention of Religious Education in maintained schools to promote the beliefs of any one religion/religious denomination or worldview.
Every pupil has a statutory entitlement to Religious Education as it makes a distinctive contribution to a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils should be given the opportunity to explore the role and significance of religion in society and the important beliefs and values that shape the world today. Religious Education helps pupils understand the religious and spiritual experiences of others and the ways in which it gives adherents a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.
What do pupils say about Religious Education?
From Autumn Term Pupil Voice:
'I have learned of why Christians choose to be baptised and who John the Baptist was.' Ava, Y3
'I have learned how different religions believe in different gods. Hindu people believe in 3 gods.' Stephen, Y3
'I have learned that some people don't believe in any gods.' Reggie, Y3
'I have learned about the Cycle of Life in Hinduism: if you are good in your life and speak well of others then you will receive good karma.' April, Y6
'I have learned about The Trinity in Christianity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.' Camille, Y4
'I have been really interested to hear about different beliefs that people have in my class.' Ella, Y4
'I know that the old testament was written before Jesus was born, and the new testament is Jesus's life and stories.' Evie, Y2
'I liked learning about the parables. The Lost Sheep is to show how we are all special.' Orla, Y2
'RE is fun! It's good to learn about different things and it's different to the other lessons that we have.' Chloe, Y1
'I have been lots about the Nativity as well as God the Creator.' Elsa, Y1
'We have been learning about Angels and the messages that they send.' Harry, Y1