
Maths INTENT statement:


At Buglawton Primary School our Maths curriculum is designed to be accessible to all so that every child knows more, remembers more and understands more. At Buglawton we provide children with the mathematical skills needed for life.  Teachers from Year 1 to Year 6 follow the Power Maths Scheme of work and also use a wide variety of resources and ideas to provide children with a range of challenges where they can learn to apply their skills. In EYFS, children develop their Mathematical skills through the support of the Development Matters, NCTEM's Mastering Number programme and Power Maths.


Our intent is to:

  • ensure that every child has the skills to become a numerate adult
  • introduce children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life
  • help children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them
  • encourage children to acquire a wide vocabulary and understanding of mathematical language


A graduated and sequential approach to the teaching of knowledge and skills ensures that children build on previous understanding. Before a child reaches Year 1 they are able to count up to 20 and understand the value of numbers. Key Stage one children focus on place value and the meaning of numbers with practical activities and a range of visual representations.  Once place value is secure, the vocabulary and calculations around the four formal operations are introduced and these skills are applied in real life problem solving activities. 

At Buglawton we teach using the mastery approach. Children should all have access to the same curriculum content and, rather than being extended with new learning, they should deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling varied and challenging problems. Similarly with calculation strategies, pupils must not simply rote learn procedures but demonstrate their understanding of these procedures through the use of concrete materials and pictorial representations to ensure fluency and depth of understanding.

At Buglawton, children also need to learn number facts so that they can instantly recall number bonds and times tables. This knowledge will enable children to answer calculations and more challenging problems as well as prepare them for the Multiplication Test at the end of Year 4.

All pupils should become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately to problems. (National Curriculum, 2014)


At Buglawton, we utilise the training opportunities, research and in class materials provided by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics in order to build an effective mathematics curriculum for our EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils. As a member of the Cheshire East Maths Hub, our pupils, and staff, have benefitted greatly from the knowledge gained though the collaboration this participation brings. 

This year we are focusing on:

Mastering Number (in the Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2)

Participation in this work group will ensure that our staff:

  • develop skills in working in a professional learning community, reflecting with other colleagues on their own practice, and refining skills through support and challenge within a community
  • develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations with a stronger subject and pedagogical understanding for EYFS and KS1
  • work to develop intentional teaching strategies focused on developing fluency in calculation and number sense for ALL children
  • develop understanding and their use of appropriate manipulatives to support their teaching of mathematical structures.


Times Tables

At Buglawton there is also an emphasis placed on instant recall of number bonds and times tables. These need to be mastered to aid with calculations and more challenging problems as well as in readiness for the Multiplication Test at the end of Year 4.

Number Facts and Times Tables

tt num facts.png

We also use the Times Tables Rockstars website to support children in the learning of times tables in a progressive way.

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