

History at Buglawton Primary School encourages and inspires our pupils to develop an appreciation and understanding of the past and how this in turn has impacted upon our present. We aim to provide our children with a safe and collaborative learning environment that supports opportunities for all learners to share ideas and reflect upon a variety of Historical interpretations.  

We aim to provide a History curriculum that is progressive and supports children’s understanding of Historical Threshold Concepts by consistently revisiting and building upon prior knowledge, terminology and vocabulary. We hope to provide our children with various opportunities to explore a range of Historical sources and equip them with the confidence and understanding to question and evaluate the reliability of the information they are exploring.

We have designed our history curriculum with the intent that children are given first-hand opportunities to explore History ‘in action’ during purposeful visits to historical sites (visiting the Roman walls in Chester), participating in activities from external visitors (Grandparent visit to hotseat about holidays from the past) and by handling real life artifacts from History (Coins).

By the end of our Children’s journey through Buglawton Primary School, we hope to improve every child’s cultural capital, understanding of the world around them and their own heritage. Our progressive History curriculum is intended to balance children’s local Historical knowledge with their sense of place and aims to tackle stereotypes to help children to build a broad and balanced view of the world.


How have the types of toys children played with changed over time? 

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Year One

How have holidays changed since our Grandparents were children? 

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Year Two

How should we have rebuilt London after the Great Fire? 

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Year Three

How did life change from Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age?

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Year 4

How much of our lives today can be influenced by the Romans who lived here 2,000 years ago?

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